


Barcode Scanner and ASCII Code Table

In barcode scanner, the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code table is a set of encoding systems used to represent characters. It is based on the Latin alphabet and includes basic Latin letters (English letters), Arabic numerals, punctuation marks, special symbols, and some characters with control functions. There are 128 characters in the ASCII code table, and each character corresponds to a unique 7-bit or 8-bit binary number.

The following is a simplified version of the ASCII code table, taking decimal numbers (Dec) as an example, with examples and explanations of some characters:

Copy code

1. Dec Abbreviation/Character Explanation

2. --- --------- -----

3. 0 NUL Null character (Null), used to indicate the end of a string or placeholder

4. 1 SOH Start of Header

5. 2 STX Start of Text

6. 3 ETX End of Text

7. 4 EOT End of Transmission

8. 5 ENQ Enquiry

9. 6 ACK Acknowledge

10. 7 BEL Bell

11. 8 BS Backspace

12. 9 HT Horizontal Tab

13. 10 LF Line Feed, New Line

14. 11 VT Vertical Tab

15. 12 FF Form Feed, New Page

16. 13 CR Carriage Return

17. ... ... ... (other characters and corresponding ASCII codes)

18. 32 (space) Space character

19. 33 ! Exclamation mark

20. 34 " Double quotes

21. ... ... ... (letters, numbers and more symbols)

22. 97 a Lowercase a

23. ... ... ... (other lowercase letters)

24. 65 A Uppercase A

25. ... ... ... (other uppercase letters)

26. 127 DEL Delete


The first 32 characters (0-31) and the 127th character (DEL) in the ASCII code table are usually used as control characters. They are not visible on the screen, but have specific functions.

The ASCII code table also includes an extended character set, but this part is usually not included in the basic 128 characters.

When scanning a barcode, the barcode scanning device converts the barcode content into a character sequence represented by the ASCII code and then outputs it to the connected device or system.

For the specific configuration and use of the barcode scanning device, it is recommended to refer to the user manual of the device or contact the device manufacturer for more detailed information.

上一篇:Barcode Scanner Terminator             下一篇:机器视觉技术在工业中的应用